DAF Museum

On our second attempt, we made it to the DAF museum and it was well worth the 30 minute walk each way (walking everywhere makes for a good exercise!)

DAF is a truck manufacturer  but it has a rich history of much more that is on display. The actual original workshop where the brothers Hub and Wim van Doorne started the company in 1928 is part of the exhibit and it is an open room with all the old tools for their engineering and blacksmith business. Karel got to demonstrate and explain to the kids how those old tools worked, as he used them when he was young (ok, maybe a newer version of the same ones we saw:-).

The museum shows that DAF made not only trucks, but cars, motorcycles, military vehicles, race cars, and all train vehicles. Best part though must have been the cars with wicker seats! We did not get to test them to see how comfortable it was though.

But Trucks are the main attraction for sure, we saw many of them, including one which participated in the famous Dakar race and a new model with a luxury cabin we got to climb in. It was roomy and comfy enough for all of us to take nap in there:-) They even have a hybrid truck, we were very impressed with that one.


It was a great way to spend the afternoon and learn a little about history!



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